I'm so excited! I hope everyone is stocking up on alcohol, planning their costumes, and brushing up on hilchos Purim!
Just keep in mind that the mitzvah to get drunk "until you don't know the difference between 'Cursed is Haman and Blessed is Mordechai'" only applies on Purim
day, which this year is Sunday, March 4th. Which isn't to say that you can't get drunk on Saturday night; it just won't be a mitzvah.
There are a number of other mitzvahs associated with Purim day. In short they are: "Hear the Megillah (scroll of Esther). Give charity to at least two people. Give a gift basket of food to at least one friend. Feast and Party!" Click
here for more information.
Here's the breakdown of Purim events for UCSC students:
Thursday, March 1Purim Costume Party10:00 pm - 1:00 am
@ E3 PlayHouse, 435 Front Street
w/ DJ Boaz from Israel, The Sababa Belly Dancers, Food, Drink and Dancing
$3 in advance, $4 at door with costume, $5 at door w/o costume
(sponsored by Hillel, Israel Action Committee, and the Jewish Student Union)
Saturday Night, March 3Israeli-themed Purim Bash8:00 pm - 11:30 pm
@ Chabad Student Center, 136 Iowa Drive
Israeli cuisine, hookahs, Israeli music, costume-clad party-goers, and 18 minute Megillah readings every hour on the hour.
Purim Celebration7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
@ 407 Broadway
w/ Traditional Scroll of Esther Reading, potluck desserts and drinks,
live music with The New Holy Shickers
(sponsored by Congregation Kol Tefillah)
Sunday, March 4Queen Esther’s Brunch1:00 - 3:30 pm
@ Hillel, 222 Cardiff Place
w/ Esther Reading, Brunch, Drinks, live music with The New Holy Shickers
(sponsored by Hillel, Chabad Student Center, and the Jewish Student Union)
Be happy and be safe!